Comment contacter Helsana ?

call service
  • Are you seeking to contact Helsana’s client service to report an address change?
  • Do you require the company’s email address to send your invoice?
  • Is it feasible to reach a manager to file a complaint?
  • Does Helsana have a presence on social media?

If these same questions concern you, find without further delay the presentation and the company’s contact information.

Company presentation

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Based in Dübendorf, Helsana is a Swiss insurance company specialized in health insurance. It has 2.2 million policyholders and its premium income amounts to 7.4 billion Swiss francs. The Group is the leading accident and health insurer in Switzerland. It employs 3,500 employees and has a national network of 20 sales points and 22 general agencies.

Helsana encompasses 3 operational branches, which operate in the basic insurance sector, accident insurances, and supplementary insurances. The basic insurance constitutes the main activity of the company, generating 70% of the total premium income. With 27% of premium income, the supplementary insurances sector represents the second pillar. Additionally, the company offers collective daily allowance and accident insurances to associations and companies. Solutions in the area of professional provision are also made available to the public.

Contacting Helsana insurance company: how to proceed?

establishing contact with Helsana

If you are looking for information about Helsana health insurance, the most efficient way is to consult the company’s website. The information available there can answer your questions, and you can also benefit from other options:

It is possible to send your request via the contact form. Once the message is sent, the client service will contact you as soon as possible.

With the newsletter, you can learn more about important health topics. You will also receive all information about the group’s attractive offers through email. Subscribe for free.

You can also access the premium calculator via the company’s website.

The website did not provide a satisfactory answer? Why notNe souhaitez-vous pas visiter l’un des lieux de vente Helsana près de chez vous pour obtenir un conseil personnalisé ? Sinon, vous avez la liberté de joindre Helsana par voie postale à l’adresse suivante sous pli recommandé :

Helsana Assurances SA

Case postale

8081 Zürich

N’oubliez pas que cette adresse postale ne doit pas être confondue avec celle du siège social, qui est :

Helsana Assurances SA

Zürichstrasse 130

83600 Dübendorf

entrer en contact avec Helsana via les réseaux sociaux

Soyez rassuré, Helsana est bel et bien active sur les réseaux sociaux. Vous pouvez contacter un conseiller en utilisant la messagerie privée sur :

Tweets by Helsana_fr


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