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  • How to get in touch with Joël Dicker for an interview or to ask him questions about his work?
  • Are you considering inviting Joël Dicker as a speaker or special guest?
  • Do you wish to propose a collaboration with Joël Dicker, whether for a literary or artistic project?

There may be other specific reasons for you to reach out to Joël Dicker, depending on your needs or personal interests.

Who is Joël Dicker?

Getting in touch with Joël Dicker
Source :

Joël Dicker, born on June 16, 1985 in Geneva, is a renowned Swiss writer. He has won a large audience with his successful novels such as The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair, The Baltimore Boys, and The Mystery of the 622nd Street.

From a young age, Joël Dicker has been passionate about writing. His literary talents have earned him several accolades, including the City of Geneva Prize for Youth Literature in 2002 for his work The Last Days of Our Fathers.

After completing his secondary education, he pursued law studies at the University of Geneva, while also taking literature courses at the University of Lausanne.

In 2012, Joël Dicker published his first novel, The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair. This book was a resounding success both commercially and critically. Translated into more than 50 languages, it received prestigious literary awards, including the Grand Prize for the novel from the French Academy and the Goncourt High School Students’ Prize.

This triumph propelled Joël Dicker’s career, leading to other literary successes such as The Baltimore Boys (2015), The Mystery of the 622nd Street (2020), and The Disappearance of Stephanie Mailer (2022).

Joël Dicker: a writer of renown, balancing social commitment and versatile writing

Beyond his literary career, Joël Dicker actively engages in social activities. He becomes an ambassador for the Pro Juventute association, which provides valuable support to children and families in need.

Joël Dicker is a prolific writer, regularly offering the public new works every two or three years. His eclectic style leads him to explore various literary genres, from detective novels to historical fiction.

Internationally recognized, Joël Dicker is among the most appreciated Swiss writers of his generation. His love for words and language games is reflected in his novels, often captivating psychological thrillers, addressing themes such as crime, justice, love, and family.

Having lived in Paris, New York, and Los Angeles, Joël Dicker is a travel enthusiast, an experience that undoubtedly nourishes his inspiration.

With an already impressive literary career, Joël Dicker stands out as one of the foremost Swiss writers of his generation.

Different ways to get in touch with Joël Dicker

Contact details available to reach Joël Dicker

Here are the contact details to get in touch with JoëlDicker :

Quel est le site web pour entrer en contact avec l’auteur ?

Pour découvrir davantage de détails concernant Joël Dicker, veuillez visiter ce site : Veuillez être succinct et poli dans vos échanges, en expliquant clairement la raison de votre prise de contact.

Comment appeler Joël Dicker par téléphone ?

Si vous désirez téléphoner à la maison de production de Joël Dicker, composez ce numéro : Veuillez vérifier les horaires d’ouverture de la maison de production avant d’appeler ce numéro.

Quelle est l’adresse électronique pour contacter Joël Dicker ?

Si vous préférez joindre la maison de production de Joël Dicker par courrier électronique, vous pouvez utiliser cette adresse : N’hésitez pas à envoyer un email à cette adresse pour toute question ou demande concernant la maison de production de Joël Dicker. Veuillez fournir des détails précis pour une meilleure prise en charge.

Comment correspondre avec Joël Dicker par courrier postal ?

Pour tout envoi postal à la fondation de Joël Dicker, veuillez utiliser cette adresse :

Rosie & Wolfe SA

Case Postale 5049

1211 Genève 3


Comment suivre les actualités de l’auteur sur les réseaux sociaux ?

Joël Dicker est actif sur les médias sociaux. Ses comptes sont gérés par son équipe et contiennent des informations sur sa carrière ainsi que des messages personnels. Il partage aussi des photos et des vidéos, offrant un aperçu de son quotidien.

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