Comment contacter Lukas Bärfuss ?

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On this page, you will find a variety of information to contact Lukas Bärfuss.

Who is Lukas Bärfuss?

Contacting Lukas Bärfuss
Source: Lukas Bärfuss – Frankfurt Book Fair 2014
Author: ActuaLitté

Lukas Bärfuss, born on December 30, 1971 in Thoune, Switzerland, is the son of an architect and a French teacher. He grew up in Thoune and Zurich. 

After graduating from high school in 1990, Bärfuss started a bookseller training, practicing this profession for two years before dedicating himself to writing.

In 1998, he co-founded the independent theater company 400asa, while working as a journalist for the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper. 

Lukas Bärfuss’ diverse body of work, including novels, plays, essays, and short stories, began in 1998 with his play “Die letzte Schlacht” (The Last Battle), a satire of Swiss society and its traditional values, acclaimed by critics and performed in numerous theaters in Germany and Switzerland.

In “Die Freiheit der Frau” (The Freedom of the Woman, 2007), Bärfuss explores feminist issues and gender equality, a play also performed in several theaters in Switzerland and Germany. 

Lukas Bärfuss, a writer of significant themes

His debut novel, “Die toten Männer” (The Dead Men, 2001), a psychological thriller, addresses the themes of guilt and redemption, translated into many languages and adapted into a film in 2014.

Bärfuss continues to explore social themes in his works, such as globalization in “Der Lauf der Dinge” (The Course of Things, 2005), the midlife crisis in “Der Elefant” (The Elephant, 2011), and migration and integration in “Die Krume Brot” (The Crumb of Bread, 2022). He is also the author of two critical essays, “Die Schweiz, ein Porträt” (Switzerland, a Portrait, 2017) and “Die Welt, ein Porträt” (The World, a Portrait, 2020).

Poilitically engaged, Bärfuss vigorously criticizes Switzerland’s national-conservative and neoliberal policies through his works. 

In “Die toten Männer”, he explores the consequences of Switzerland’s policy of neutrality during World War II. His commitment against xenophobia and racism is evident through his participation in numerous demonstrations and conferences.

All contact information to reach Lukas Bärfuss

All available details to contact Lukas Bärfuss

There are several ways to get in touch with Lukas Bärfuss.

How to contact the writer through his website?

Visit theWebsite of his publishing house. Click on the “Contact” menu on the right side of the page. Fill out the contact form with your name, email address, and message, and then click the “Send” button.

How to reach Lukas Bärfuss by phone?

To get in touch with Lukas Bärfuss, you can dial the following numbers: +49-(0)40-7272314 or +49-(0)40/7272359. Feel free to contact them for any inquiries or information regarding the author Lukas Bärfuss.

Is it possible to contact Lukas Bärfuss by email?

Additionally, you can reach Lukas Bärfuss via email at the following address: or You can compose a message indicating your subject or specifying the reason for your contact with Mr. Bärfuss, and then write your message clearly and concisely.

What is the email address to contact Lukas Bärfuss?

Propose a collaboration, send a letter of congratulations/appreciation, make a suggestion. Then, you can send a letter to the following postal address:

Hartmann & Stauffacher GmbH

Verlag für Bühne, Film, Funk und Fernsehen

Bismarckstraße 36 · 50672 Cologne

How to follow the writer’s news on social media?

If you are looking to get in touch with Lukas Bärfuss, know that he is very active on social media. To send him a message, you can use the private messaging feature on:

  • Facebook


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